I was sitting on my bed spending time with the Lord, just expressing my heart’s desire to be even closer to Him,  when all of a sudden a loud Emergency alert went off on my phone. I glanced at the notification that stated there was an “Amber Alert” in a near by city, and it described the type of vehicle and license plate that the abducted child could be in.

As you may know, an Amber Alert is  an automatic Emergency Alert system that is sent through the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) program to millions of cell phone users.  The urgent alert is sent  in the most serious child-abduction cases keeping the message recipients at High alert in case they recognize the vehicle in question .

As I reviewed the notification, I instantly felt this DEEP, sad, aching pain within my heart, as if I was the actual parent of the child abducted. The burden and sorrow I felt was so intense that I whaled and cried out loud for at least a few minutes. In this moment, I was not sure why I had felt so strong and so sad for the child abducted. Of course any person would naturally “feel bad” for the missing child and their family, but what I felt and experienced was a feeling far greater than I ever felt for someone I did not know at all. It was more than a compassion.  I literally felt as though the child that was missing was my very own!

Can you imagine the horrible feeling you’d have if someone had kidnapped YOUR child? It hadn’t actually happened to me (and in the name of Jesus I declare it never will.) but I soon realized the Lord allowed me to feel the immense grief and turmoil a parent would feel in that situation. And on this particular night, He allowed me to feel how HE actually feels for ALL of His lost and “Kidnapped” children.

A HORRIBLE sunken feeling of pain overwhelmed me, while hearing the Lord cry out, “My children have been kidnapped!” I could feel the sense of urgency as the Lord began to put a feeling of despair in my heart for the “lost”. I heard him yell out with what seemed like HE was weeping with tears in His eyes.

“Who will help me find my lost children???!! I have alerted the authorities and put out an emergency signal because I desperately need people to help bring my children back to me! They have been kidnapped by the enemy!”

After I heard the Lord cry out in this way, I knew that He has always and will always go out of His way to locate His children and won’t be at rest until His children are found.


Now understand, the Bible describes people who do not know Jesus or who are “unsaved” to be “lost”. When God said His children have been  “‘kidnapped and lost”, He means that “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:4). The enemy (Satan, the god of this world) has blinded people, and stolen their identity. All of the people who do not know Him as their Heavenly Father and those that do not believe Jesus to be Lord. Unbelievers are helpless and lost and in desperate need for a savior, which is Jesus.  We are to find the “lost” and tell them about the savior.

EVERYONE has received the HIGH alert, but who will really take heed? Who will take note of what the kidnapper (the enemy) will be traveling in? Who will pay attention to where the last location known of the child abducted was?


When the authorities release an Amber Alert, they send out clues on where to find the child or what type of vehicle the child could be in. In the same way, God has sent us clues as to where we can find the lost. Some of the clues are people who verbally declare that there is no God or they do not believe in Jesus. This one is obvious. They have been completely “brainwashed” by the enemy and have forgotten that they were indeed created by God to have a close relationship with Him and be apart of His large family of believers.

Ultimately the child could be anywhere! We have to remain sensitive and on high alert to spot them.

They could be:

1. Your next door neighbor

2. Your Child’s Teacher

3. The man on the corner always begging for money

4. The young man selling drugs

5. The person at work contemplating suicide

Or perhaps the lost child could be you!

I’m pretty sure that everywhere you go, whether it be at your work place, the park, your school, the store, there is at least one person who desperately needs to be “located” and be brought back into the “family” of God.

Will you please be one of those that pay attention to the “Amber Alert” sent by God and purposely LOOK for the children that have been kidnapped by the enemy!

If you feel in your heart that you need to be reconnected to God or desire to be, please feel free to contact me or someone you know that knows Jesus. It is important to God that you be safe and found.


There are  Parables shared in the Bible that show God’s concern and compassion  for individual sinners. The shepherd goes after one sheep and knows His sheep by name (John 10:3). He cares about every lost sinner who needs repentance and  He cares for you.

This is a cry out to all believers especially those who are called to be evangelist! We have an assignment and no matter what your “career” is or what you do on a day to day basis, do not forget or lose sight of your FIRST priority which is to Love God and Love your neighbor. Out of that love you should fulfill your assignments which include the Great Commission. Finding the Lost Sheep and bring them back to God!

The Lord is saying, “I have a reward! I’m desperate! Please bring my children back to me!


I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments! Please leave them in the space below.

With Love,

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